I never really considered that fact that life can go anywhere I want it to. I know this sounds crazy and really obvious, but one day it just hit me-- BANG!-- Yeah, just like that. And I jumped pretty high from it too.
If I wanted to- I could change the direction of my life in a heartbeat- and who is to say it is right or wrong. If I want to graduate in Biology and then pursue a career in photography then I can. If that is what I want to do than there should not be anything else stopping me. Just because I have a piece of paper with B.S. Biology on it doesn't mean that is what I HAVE to do. It would be nice- but there is no one saying that I have to.
I shouldn't rush life. I have no idea why I have had such strong urge to graduate early. This is life. I do not regret the pace that I went at. If I could do it again, I would do it the same way- but this time pay attention more my freshman year.
I was sitting in the temple the other day with my great and incredible friend Elisa, and because of the long wait- we got a great opportunity just to sit. A member of the temple presidency came out and gave us a little message. In his message he said that "Life happens while you are busy making other plans". A phrase heard often, but today it hit me a little different. How true these words are. All through college, I was planning for something, and now at the end of the road I look back and realize that life has happened. There have been so many great memories and fun times. How vital it is to enjoy the small moments of life. Maybe this is why I like photography so much. It takes one moment and immortalizes it. Time can pass, and the image can fade- but those smiles and laughters will last forever. They are time capsules of our life and brings us back to a day that we once forgot.
I also must admit, that for some time (a year at least)- I have been decideing what to do with my future. I was so consumed with the thought of what to do next that I did not stop to clear my head and think- to approach such a decision the right way. I am trying hard to do it now- and the conclusions have shocked me! Yet it is exciting! Very exciting!-- Yeah- I will tell you about it later, but I think I finally figured out what I want to do!!! After a million hours of stress- I am relieved that I think I know. Not anything for sure- but at least I am leaning in one direction! THIS IS A BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT!