
I would pick you up if you were hitchhiking.

Let me introduce you to two of my favorite people. They are Anastasia and Ereland Hunsaker.  I know everyone thinks their kids are the best- but I think these two take the cake. Ok, I might be a little biased because they are my nieces.  They are such hams! They know right when to smile and run to love you and when to put on a pouty face to get what they want. I love these whipper-snappers, and the great thing is  later this year, there will be two more little ones. Yes, my brother and his wife (Brad and Rachel) and my sister and her husband (Tiffiny and Dave) are both having babies! This will be an exciting year. By time christmas comes around there will be double the number of small fingers and toes! 

Ereland eating olives.

Ereland and Anastasia really like olives-  Yes they do! 

And they will always give you a great laugh! 

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