
What goes around, comes around....

So, I have realized that if that procrastination is just not worth it.  Yes, it has taken me 6 years of elementary school, 2 years of middle school, 4 years of high school, and well into my 3rd year of college to discover this. 

This is the way I see it:

 You can either spend an hour or two a night, getting a little bit of work done.... OR.... you can stress out everyday realizing that you are putting off the homework and building up the momentum of the work until a few hours before it is due and stress yourself to the point of explosion.   I know it is a tempting choice, but honestly???  but by some miracle, "everyone" is doing it. 

There are some things I just do not get about this life...  This is just one, of many. 

Readers Digest Version of "Things I just dont get" 
Girls who act dumb to get attention 
Running away
Why a smile make you feel so great


And so it starts...

Everyone has heard the expression "A picture is worth a thousand words".  Yes, that is good and true, but I think it is something more.

A photo is a memory frozen in time. A time capsule of experiences. The faces in them never grow older or lose their smile, an eternity of joy contained within the frame. They make us laugh, smile, and cry. They are the journal of our emotions, the feast for our eyes. They draw our thoughts to those moments, big and small, that changed our life and molded us into the people we are today.